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Fall Maintenance

October 5, 2023

It’s official! The days are getting shorter and the temperature is finally starting to go back down, and that means it’s time to start preparing for the Fall Season. With just a little bit of effort now, you’ll be able to save yourself both time and money as unaddressed chores become bigger problems throughout the next few months.

Outdoor Maintenance

The first appliance you’ll want to take care of is the exterior hose and spigot before the first freeze of the season. Leaving a garden hose attached to the spigot in extremely cold conditions may allow a small amount of water to freeze in the piping, which could cause extensive damage to your pipe system. The good news is that this can be avoided by simply disconnecting the hose from the spigot before this can even happen! It’s also a great idea to put some sort of covering over any outdoor furniture or cushions you may have. Protecting this property from harsh weather and cold conditions will extend the longevity of that property in the long run, which means you won’t have to replace it before necessary.

Indoor Maintenance

It’s also going to be important to take care of a couple interior systems before Fall really sets in as well. The first step is to schedule an appointment with an HVAC professional to calibrate your heating. It may not seem like your HVAC needs any work, but it’s better to take care of potential issues today before heating is something you and your family really need. If you realize there’s a problem halfway through November, it may result in an uncomfortable few days waiting for the system to be adjusted. You’ll want to check all the weatherstripping on exterior doors and windows before the weather changes as well. Weatherstripping is responsible for making sure there are no leaks between your home and the weather outside. If there is a leak that you don’t get fixed, your electricity bill may go up as your heating system won’t be heating the home as efficiently as it could be. 

Ask Matthew K.

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